Cultural team raises Climate Change awareness through pamphlets distribution

As per the instructions from the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, the Air pollution in Thoothukudi, Chennai, Madurai, and Trichy is not up to par, and a cultural team creates awareness through the distribution of pamphlets among the public and students in a vehicle that was inaugurated by Sri.Deeepak Bilgi, Director of Environment.

This message on wheels addresses the public in Chennai City at major locations with a team led by Mr. Thangaraj, Chennai District National Green Corps Coordinator, especially near markets, bus termini, railway stations, and beaches.

The team insists on the public walking to the nearest places, using a carpooling system, using vehicles only when required, and switching over to electric vehicles through songs and dances. These programmes will be conducted in Trichy, Madurai, and Thoothukudi too. Earlier, Mrs. Sowmya, deputy director of DoE, addressed the gathering near Saidapet.


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