Students plan to create street theatre plays to combat trafficking

On June 30, 2023, an Orientation on Anti-Human Trafficking for College Students in Chennai ICWO/HSF India was held at Saveetha College of Nursing. Dr. G. Bhuvaneshwari, Associate Professor, and Prof. Ms. L. Paramala, Vice Principal, introduced AHTC Members. Mr. A.J. Hariharan, Secretary ICWO, highlighted the purpose of the orientation. Ms. A. Jayalakshmi, Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Enforcement), explained child labor and interacted with students. She presented a video on child labor and discussed its use in industries.

Ms. Praveena Solomon, State Co-ordinator of ICWO-HSF Project, discussed her monthly rescue missions and the importance of translators for counseling and rescue. The program also included a street theatre performance on human trafficking, which was shared among all colleges. The students plan to create more street theatre plays to raise awareness about trafficking.


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