19th World Kidney Day 2024
Studies have shown that, 850 million people are affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD), with over 2 million people worldwide receiving dialysis or living with a kidney transplant. The 19th World Kidney Day is observed on 14th March 2024. The call to action is “Kidney Health for All – Advancing equitable access to care and optimal medication practice". This call to access is for people to take action for advancing equitable access to care and optimal medication practice. This is a joint initiative of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the IFKF-WKA (International Federation of Kidney Foundations-World Kidney Alliance) to promote World Kidney Health by reaching out to Patients, Caregivers, Doctors, Patients care organisations and Kidney Foundations, Governments and Policy makers all over the world. TANKER Foundation is a member of the IFKF-WKA and at present Mrs.Latha Kumaraswami, Managing Trustee ,TANKER Foundation is also the first women President of the IFKF...