Apollo Hospitals Salutes, Honours and Celebrates Stroke Survivors

Chennai 28 th October, 2022: Apollo Speciality Hospitals OMR under the guidance of Dr. Karthikeyan, Interventional Neurologist , organised a special event to honour and celebrate stroke survivors. The event was preceded over by, Prof. Shakir Husain Interventional Neurologist & Stroke Specialist, Mr. Senthil, Comedian/Actor. This one day event was organised to build awareness on stroke to create and to emphasise on the need for early intervention for quality stroke care. More than twenty stroke survivors were honoured with awards and mementos for fighting back and recovering seamlessly. Stroke is a major public health problem in India and worldwide. It is one of the leading causes of acquired disability and mortality which results in considerable socioeconomic impact on the patients, their families and the healthcare delivery system. There are two types of stroke including ischemic stroke which is caused due to reduction in blood supply to a part of the brain...