PUDUCHERRY Chief Minister Shri RANGASAMY attends JCI India Zone Conference

JCI India is a voluntary organization, membership-based NGO working in India since 1949 for developing the leadership skills of young men and women of this country. It is affiliated to Junior Chamber International (JCI), a worldwide federation of young leaders and entrepreneurs founded in 1944, having headquartered at Chester Field USA. Currently it has over 200,000 active members and more than one million graduates, in over 100 countries and 6,000communities.

JCIIndiaistheSecondlargestMemberNationofJuniorChamberInternational.Currently we are active in more than 26 states and union territories of India.

Zonal Conference of Zone XVI of JCI India – Bandham was held in Puducherry at Puducherry Technical University in which around 300 delegates from around eight Revenue Districts of Tamil Nadu have participated.

Zone Presidents from other Zones of Tamil Nadu were also present. Honourable Chief Minister of Puducherry Shri Rangasamy was the Chief Guest, Honourable Member of the Parliament(RajyaSabha)fromPuducherryShriSelvaganapthyGwastheGuestofHonour and Past National President of JCI India Zone XVI JcRajanBabu M was the Keynote Speaker for the inaugural event.

In the Valedictory Ceremony of Bandham – Zone Conference Jc Anitha Murali of JCI RanipetfromRanipethasbeenelectedastheZonePresidentunanimouslyandadministered the oath of Office by the outgoing Zone President JcYuvaraj.

ZoneVicePresidents, JcVivek Raja,from JCI Chennai Synergy Kingsand JcVelMurugan and JcTahirUzZaman were also administered the oath of office. All the proceedings were over seen by JcAnkush Gupta, Past Executive Vice President of JCI India and Executive Officer of Zone Conference Bandham appointed by the National Head Quarter of JCIIndia.



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