Special Resolution seeking restoration of Anglo-Indian Nominations

The Anglo-Indian Suburban Front under the Presidentship of Dr.Augustine Roy Rozario held its 18 th Annual Get-Together on Sat 26 th December 2020 at ICSA -Jivana Jyoti Hall, Egmore, Chennai with the participation of about 100 members. Michael Fernandez and Eddie Barnett entertained the gathering with good music. Petula Pinheiro, Andrea and Loretta sang Christmas carols. Santa Clause cheered the gathering be dancing away and distributing gifts and cakes to one and all. Nigel D'Rozario conducted a fun filled games of 'tombola and cash prizes were given to the winners. The highlights of the Meeting included an address by its Founder-President-Dr.Augustine Roy Rozario who highlighted the various problems faced by the micro-scopic Community especially the delay by the Central Government in restoring the Special Reservation for Nomination of Anglo-Indian Members to Parliament and State Assemblies which stands shelved time being under Article 334(b) since 26 th January'20...