Oasis India aims to prevent trafficking and other forms of violence against women and children and assist each person to flourish in the context of their community. Our thematic areas of work are Education, Skill Development, Prevention, Rehabilitation, Sports and Community. These programmes are a response to the needs of the community, through which we help make India better for women and children. According to a recently released report by UN Women, the pandemic is likely to have pushed 96 million people into extreme poverty, of which 47 million are women and girls. 3 out of every 4 women do not take part in any recognised economic activity, and Oasis India is changing that narrative by helping women learn skills for employment. Skill development is the way to empower our women for financial stability and independence. The work in Chennai focuses on building lives in the Kalayanapuram, Kannigapuram, Basin Bridge, and Kannagi Nagar communities. The issues in each community vary, ...